Welcome to the Conwy Beekeepers’ website
Updated February 2025
Thanks to everybody who supported the 2024 Conwy Honey Fair. Good weather, plenty of new stalls and crowds of visitors.
Our collection from stallholders raised a record of £1600 in aid of Bees for Development.
Conwy Seed Fair Wednesday 26th March 2025
Stallholder Info
Visitor info
New website page Sugar from Bookers, applying for registration
We hope you enjoy our website, and we would love to receive your comments.
Conwy Beekeepers Limited urges members to work with locally-raised bees. We do not encourage members to buy nucs or queens or secondhand equipment from internet sellers. We have very healthy bees here, and we want to keep it that way.
We do not promote the sale of exotic strains of bees to our members, eg. Buckfast and Carniolan.
We encourage members to raise their own nucs and queens, or to buy from a reliable local supplier.
We do not encourage beekeepers from outside our area wanting to move hives of bees to the heather here.
Buying bees? See our page Buying and selling nucs of bees here
You can join Conwy Beekeepers here
We invite you to join our Facebook group Conwy Beekeeping Group, which now has over 900 members. Share your pictures, your ideas and beekeeping problems, ask questions and buy and sell bees and equipment Click here
26 reasons to join Conwy Beekeepers
Conwy Beekeepers was founded in 1978 as Aberconwy and Colwyn Beekeepers’ Association. In 2002, we became Conwy Beekeepers’ Association, and in 2014 we became Conwy Beekeepers Limited, a Company limited by Guarantee. We are based in the county of Conwy in North Wales, and we have members all over the county and beyond. Many of our members have only one or two hives of bees, and a few have over 40 hives. We have members just starting with bees, a lucky few who have had bees for over 50 years, and one member whose family has kept bees continuously since 1912.
We have organized the Conwy Honey Fair and the Conwy Seed Fair since 1990, and these have become major events again. We raise funds for Bees for Development at both Fairs, to encourage people in the developing world to become self-reliant through beekeeping.
Our aim is to encourage people to keep bees, and to raise public awareness of the importance of bees, and to produce honey! We just love being with our bees and talking about beekeeping. Every year is going to be the best honey year ever. This year 2023 is no exception!
We hold winter evening meetings, and regular summer meetings with the bees.
Wanting to start beekeeping? We recommend beekeeping courses run by the National Beekeeping Centre for Wales.
Conwy BK is affiliated to the Welsh Beekeepers’ Association.
Visit the WBKA website for info on other BKA’s in Wales.
Croeso i wefan Cymdeithas Gwenynwyr Conwy.
Sefydlwyd CGC yn 1978, ac erbyn hyn mae gennym dros 150 o aelodau, a chwech ohonynt yn aelodau ers y cychwyn. Rydym wedi ein lleoli yn sir Conwy, un o ardaloedd hardd gogledd Cymru, a daw ein haelodau o bob rhan o’r sir a thu hwnt. Rydym i gyd yn cael mwynhad o’n gwenyn. Un cwch sydd gan nifer fawr o’n haelodau ond mae gan ambell un gynifer a 60, ac mae profiad gwenyna yn amrywio hefyd o’r niferoedd gwenynwyr newydd i’r ychydig sy’n gwenyna ers dros 60 mlynedd. Bu teulu un ohonom yn gwenyna’n ddidor ers canrif!
Ers 1990, bu’r gymdeithas yn trefnu ffeiriau hynafol Conwy, sef y Ffair Fel sy’n 700 mlwydd oed, a’r Ffair Hadau, ac maent bellach wedi dod yn boblogaidd iawn, ac yn llwyddiant unwaith eto. Yn ystod y ffeiriau, byddwn yn codi arian ar gyfer “Bees for Development”, elusen sy’n cynorthwyo pobl yn y trydydd byd i ddod yn hunan- gynhaliol drwy gadw gwenyn.
Yn 2004, buom yn flaenllaw yn sefydlu Gwledd Conwy sydd bellach yn ddigwyddiad blynyddol hynod boblogaidd, ac hefyd, yn fwy diweddar,sefydlwyd Canolfan Gwenyna Genedlaethol i Gymru. Erbyn hyn mae’r ddau sefydliad yn cael eu gweinyddu gan gwmniau cymunedol pwrpasol.
Mae ganddom dri nod arbennig, sef
- I annog pobl i gadw gwenyn.
I godi ymwybyddiaeth o bwysigrwydd gwenyn.
I gynhyrchu mel.
Gwahoddir siaradwyr i gyfarfodydd misol yn ystod y gaeaf, yng nghanolfan gymunedol Craig y Don, ac yn yr haf cynhaliwn ddyddiau arbennig ar gyfer dechreuwyr, a chyfarfodydd ymarferol yn ein gwenynfa ni yn Nhal y Cafn. Trefnu’r cwrs wythnosol dros fisoedd y gaeaf, mewn cydweithrediad a’r Canolfan Gwenyna Genedlaethol i Gymru, yng nghanolfan ymchwil Henfaes ger Bangor. Daw gwenynwyr newydd o bob cwr o ogledd Cymru iddo a bydd nifer fawr ohonynt wedyn yn ymaelodu a CGC.
Mae CGC yn cydweithio a chymdeithas gwenynwyr Cymru (WBKA).
Ewch i wefan WBKA am fwy o wybodaeth am gymdeithasau eraill Cymru.
Gobeithio y gwnewch fwynhau ein gwefan, ac mae croeso i chi ymateb a rhoi eich sylwadau.