Conwy Fairs

Members of Conwy Beekeepers have organized Conwy’s 700-year old Royal Charter Fairs every year since 1990. The Seed Fair and the Honey Fair have grown into major events again, attracting large crowds of visitors to the town.

Please see Stallholder Information and Visitor Information pages.

We wish to thank Conwy County Borough Council, Conwy Town Council, Conwy Chamber of Trade and the residents of Conwy town for their support.

Conwy has a very long association with honey and beekeeping. The Conwy Honey Fair takes place in the High Street and Lancaster Square every 13th September (or 14th September if the 13th is a Sunday). The Honey Fair is an opportunity for beekeepers to sell their honey, and for the public to meet beekeepers, talk about bees, and buy local honey and hive products, including beeswax candles, beeswax polish and honey soaps. Plus… plant stalls, home produce, and local bee-related crafts.
Peter McFadden, July 2024

Ffair Fêl Conwy

Mae perthynas Conwy â gwenynwyr yn mynd yn ôl ganrifoedd. Mae Ffair Fêl Conwy a gynhelir bob blwyddyn ar Stryd Fawr Conwy, ar y 13eg o Fedi, yn gyfle i wenynwyr werthu eu mêl ac i’r cyhoedd gyfarfod â’r gwenynwyr a phrynu mêl lleol a chynnyrch y cychod gwenyn megis canhwyllau, cwyr dodrefn a sebon a wnaed o gwyr gwenyn.
Mae gan Ffair Fêl Conwy siarter ers 700 mlynedd ac fe’i sylfaenwyd gan Edward I. Mae’r gwenynwyr lleol yn gwerthu oddeutu tunnell o fêl erbyn amser cinio. Ni chodir tâl am stondin. Yn ogystal â’r stondinau mêl, mae yno hefyd grefftau, planhigion a chynnyrch lleol. Mae nifer o atyniadau o fewn tref gaerog Conwy, sydd yn Safle Treftadaeth y Byd.

2 Responses to Conwy Fairs

  1. John says:

    Hi, I live in Dyserth, Denbighshire and last year I was only told of Conwy’s Honey Fair from a Bee Keeper I know.
    Why didn’t I know this before last year, advertising is abismal around the N.Wales area, I know more about Bath and the London attractions than what is going on in WALES.
    Please keep us, the people in Wales informed so we can help and support our local events and preserve our “little” bit’s of Wales.


    • secretary says:

      Thanks for your valuable comments John. If you google North Wales events, the Conwy Honey Fair is shown as a major event on the home page, with a hyperlink to our website. There are many pages of links to the Honey Fair. We get terrific numbers of people at the event.
      We send out lots of posters to post offices, garden centres, caravan parks, libraries etc. We send info to local papers.
      We’d welcome your suggestions on how we can reach more people.
      Conwy town is buzzing with events this year. Just google conwyevents for details, including the Conwy Feast, now the biggest food event in Wales.
      The Conwy Honey Fair is always on 13th September. hope to see you here this year.

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