Two hives of bees, empty beehives and beekeeping equipment for sale by a member of Conwy Beekeepers as one job lot.
Located on B5106 near Nant Conwy Rugby Club, Llanrwst.
Reason for sale, owner relocating.
The bees were inspected by the Seasonal Bee Inspector on 1st August 2020.
Message from the owner “Jonathan gave the hives a clean bill of health. Both hives have new queens. The queens are actively laying with eggs and developing brood.
If a new beekeeper wants to buy them, I could go through the hives with them”.
Social distancing guidelines will apply.
For sale as one job lot at £650 or near offer.
Payment to be made by BACS in full before removal.
Site to be cleared by end of August 2020.
Please email the seller Ann Burgess
Note: Conwy Beekeepers’ role in this sale is purely to suggest a price and to advertise the sale. This is a free service.