Conwy Beekeepers Ltd hosted a Healthy Bees Day, organized by National Bee Unit, with Regional Bee Inspector Frank Gellatly and Seasonal Bee Inspectors running the event. Open to members of Conwy Beekeepers and other BKA’s.
This is your chance to see combs infected with AFB and EFB, under strictly controlled biosecurity conditions.
Venue: Henfaes. Click here for directions
10.00am Welcome, tea and coffee provided.
10.30am Disease recognition and biosecurity presentation
Know your brood combs and exotics quiz
12.30pm Lunch, please bring your own.
1.30pm Workshops – Inspecting a colony the NBU way
Notifiable disease and common brood disorders, demo combs
Varroa control and treatments
Non native species, exotic pest recognition
5.00pm Close
Please bring a clean bee suit and clean wellies. Disposable gloves will be provided.
Booking is essential.
This event is free of charge, and is supported with a grant from Bee Diseases Insurance Ltd.
Thanks to Bangor University for the use of their premises at Henfaes Research Centre.
Thanks to the National Beekeeping Centre Wales for the use of their hives of bees at Henfaes for inspections.
To book a place, please email Conwy BK Secretary,
Peter McFadden