23rd, 24th & 25th August—Candle Rolling
Perfect for busy little hands! Great for grown-ups too.
30th & 31st August—Seedballs
6th & 7th September—Seedballs and planting for Bees
Make your own wildflower seedballs to take home and plant in your garden, and discover which bee-friendly plants are best suited to your garden. Bring a soil sample for a free test!
20th & 21st September—Traditional Beeswax Candles
Beeswax burns very slowly, smells deliciously sweet and may benefit those with asthma and breathing problems. Come and see how traditional dipped and moulded beeswax candles are made and try your hand at dipping or rolling your own.
27th & 28th September—Products From The Hive
There is more to Bees than honey. Wax has so may uses and we will how you how simple ingredients can be used to turn wax into lip balms, polish and rolled candles, all of which are ideal as gifts or presents!
Beekeeping Course for Beginners 2014 / 2015
This highly successful course is now in its eighth year.
Conwy Beekeepers and the National Beekeeping Centre for Wales are offering the next course, starting on Tuesday 16th September. The course runs over ten sessions, two in the apiary and eight Tuesday evening classes, led by master beekeeper Geoff Critchley.
Full course details can be found at www.beeswales.co.uk