Saturday 2nd June—Jubilee Apiary meeting
Tal y Cafn at 2.30pm
Checking for queen cells (they’re sure to be there) and making a nuc. Contact Chris Clarke for frames and foundation
Please note that dress code at apiary meetings is clean beesuit, clean gloves, clean wellies.
Sunday 10th June—Bee Diseases Recognition Workshop
Henfaes, near Abergwyngregyn, 10am to 1pm
With Frank Gellatly, RBI for Wales. Free of charge. Spaces still available. This is your one-off chance (we hope) to see AFB and EFB in the flesh.
Are you serious about beekeeping and your bees’ welfare? If so, why miss it? See attached details.
Saturday 16th June—Beekeeping Taster Day
Rowen Memorial Hall and Tal y Cafn
See this page for details and booking form.
Nucleus hives for hire
We have 15 new 6-frame nuc hives from Yorkshire Beehives for hire to members @ £10 each for the summer, plus £25 cash deposit. The deposit is returnable if the hive is returned clean and in good condition by 1st September. Collect from Rowen, maximum two per person.
Buying and selling nucs
Do you want to order a local nuc or raise nucs for sale? Please contact Mike Kyle, Nuc Coordinator
Getting stung
See this page by new beekeeper Barry Griffiths for some bright insights!
We’d welcome your contributions to the website: Articles, pictures, honey recipes, anecdotes, tips and hints etc.
Enjoy the lovely weather and enjoy your beekeeping!
Peter McFadden